
How to find your true style

I've got an exciting topic for you guys today. I know that there are a lot of blogs out there that cover this topic but I want to approach it from my own perspective. True style is always important especially when branding your blog because you want to convey the right message to your readers and show them what your blog really is all about.

It is so easy to get lost in finding your true style. I know because I've been there. One day you are determined to give your blog a makeover that shouts YOU and so you begin your journey to find out what your true self really like so that you can apply it in your blog. The purpose is when people see your blog they know its YOURS.

First stop: PINTEREST. You browse through hundreds of pictures to find your inspiration. While Pinterest can be a great source for inspiration, it is not going to help you find your own style if you don't know where to look. The next thing you know, you want that blog's logo, another blog's theme and that blog's exact layout. Let me tell you upfront, originality is what's going to work. Nobody likes a copycat.

Hence, I present to you a list of things that you can do to find your true style;

/L O O K  A T  Y O U R  W A R D R O B E /

This is the first crucial step and one of the easiest thing that you can do to find your true style. The clothes that you wear can tell so much about you. This step can make you decide what your blog's theme will be. Like for example, if your wardrobe is filled with basic clothing your style is simple and minimal. If it's filled with ruffles and laces, your style is vintage and classic. And if you own a mixture of everything, your style is eclectic.

/A S K  Y O U R  F R I E N D S/ 

Ask your friends to describe yourself in one word, or more if you'd like. This will also help to recognize how people perceive you and what they think about your personality. You can use this information to start building your blog that match your personality.

/G E T  V I S U A L/

No, not Pinterest. The best inspiration always comes when you are away from your computer. Find a day when you are free. Get out there and look around you. What are the things that inspire you the most? Look at your surrounding and find patterns, colors, or objects that you love. What they have in common? Try to describe what you see. Then, list them down. Always take pictures if you can. This will be an overview of the elements or even topics that you should have in your blog. Remember, you should only blog about what you love.

/M A K E  A  M O O D B O A R D/

Now, gather all the things that you have collected and start to make a mood board. This can includes anything from patterns, colors, architecture, and anything from magazine clippings to help you be inspired to find your true style. You can use this as a reference of what you'd like your blog to look like. Clean and sleek? Stylish and glamorous? or Bold and colorful? This is the point where you'll get your answer, honey.

/F L A U N T  Y O U R  S T Y L E/

Now get in front of your computer and start designing! It is so easy because you now have a ground point of where to start. You know what color combination to use and what elements to add. When you are done, take a step back from your computer and admire all your hard work! Hooray, you made it! Now your blog is all yours. It screams YOU in the most accurate way. Congratulations.

Finding your true style can be hard at times but if you follow this tips and tricks you could save yourself from terrible headaches. I really hope you try it and tell me if it works. Good luck!

Have you found your true style yet?

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