
Finding Your Balance in life and at work

I often have issues with my over thinking self. Its almost sort of a disease that I find it hard to cure. Its an old habit of mine and like all of the old habits, they do die hard. I always find myself struggling to get the job done. Sometimes I manage to ignore my thoughts and carry on with the rest of my day without much distraction, but most of the time that is not the case.

I stumble upon this quote by Leo Tolstoy and it reminds me of how simple it is to actually get back on track with your life. Your real life, I mean. We are often so immersed in our own social life online that we often forget that our real life is far better and more interesting if we just stop and take a look around us. There are possibly so many things that we can appreciate. So many things that we can discover. And so many things that we can learn. 

I suggest all of you who are reading this to take a moment, cease whatever you are doing and take a look around. Hopefully you will find some peace of mind and while you are at it appreciate every little things that you see. Breathe. You may now get back to work. 

I promise to my self that I will do this everyday. I know it will do me some good. Till then folks, have a great weekend!

p/s: Share with me your daily routine that gets you focused every time!

Image via  Sycamore Street Press

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