
How to create mood board like a pro

Mood board is without a doubt the most powerful visual tool that we can use to convey a feeling, concept or ideas. We are a visual creature, after all. Mood board can give a powerful impact and amazing result when you use it the right way. A great mood board is not only beautiful and full of aesthetics features but also the one that serve a function which is to present something. Below I will share you my tips and trick on how you can create a mood board like a pro. And in case you're wondering, you don't even have to be a designer in order to create one. So let's dive right in shall we?

1. Brainstorm Ideas

The first thing that you need to do in order to produce a beautiful mood board is to start with brainstorming the ideas. First, pick a theme of what you want to be present on the mood board. Is it a feeling? a concept? or new ideas? Then list down all the adjectives that relates to it. For example if its a feeling is it happy or sad? If its a concept is it stylish or dramatic? Try to be as specific as possible at this stage so that you will get a clear idea on what you want to achieve with this mood board. This will serve as a briefing for the next step.

2. Find images

This next step is a fun one, I promise! All you have to do is make the most of your Pinterest and start looking for images that best represent your briefing. Find as many as you'd like and when you think you have enough, find some more images. More is more in this case. I speak from my experience because even though you think you have more than enough, sometimes the images will not always look good together in a mood board.

My tip is that when looking for images try to be more open. Meaning that if you want to make a concept for an interior design, don't just go looking for an interior images. Instead, look for colors, style, patterns, textures or logo that relates to your concept. This will in turn make your mood board looks more beautiful and aesthetically pleasing to look at. Again, follow your brief and you're good to go.

3. Plan layout

After you've done finding all the images, the next thing that you should do is planning the layout of your mood board. As a general rule of thumb your mood board should have a variety of sizes and combination of shapes to make it look interesting. 

You have to pull out images from your Pinterest board and put it onto your mood board. You have to think about the white space, composition and color when you put together the images. As you go along, always focus on the end result which is what kind of impression that you want people to have when they look at your moodboard. 

4. Edit, edit, edit
Then after you're done, take a step back and look at the finished mood board. Ask yourself whether or not the mood board match your initial briefings? Does it successfully convey your concept or ideas? What kind of feelings does this mood board evoke in you? If you're not sure, try and ask someone else that you trust their and respect their opinion.

If you're not satisfied with your mood board or if you feel like it fails to deliver, go back and edit it. Find other pictures and play some more with the layout and composition of the images. Edit, edit, edit until you are sure it's perfect.

5. Practice makes perfect
As always, when you want to be good at something, you have to practice doing it. Learn how to be better at creating your own mood board. Make a vow to yourself to make one mood board every week so that you'll get better at finding balance. Because designing a beautiful mood board is all about finding the right balance.

If you want some inspirations here is a list of my personal favorite when it comes to mood board design. These ladies always impress me with their mood board making skill and I hope you will feel inspired as well. You guys can check out their mood board here:

And there you have it folks. My top tips and guide on how you can create mood board like a pro. Do share with me your mood board and I hope this guide will help you make your very own mood board just like a pro. Good luck!

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